
Revolving Loan Fund Board


The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was established in 1986 and its purpose is to promote the economic well-being of the Town of Farmington by helping to finance projects which maximize private sector investment and benefit low and moderate income people.

Other purposes of the RLF is to stimulate job creation and expand business ownership opportunities for Farmington residents through economic development that is compatible with the Town’s physical and social environment, to encourage maximum utilization of existing vacant and under-utilized buildings, to stimulate investment in the renovation and conservation of small business space, and to supplement traditional bank financing, business owner investment, and other business loan and investment instruments.

Eligible project activities include loans for business start-ups, expansions and/or building improvements and/or renovations, real property acquisition and capital equipment. 

Revolving Loan Fund Plan and Application (PDF).

This is a five member Board that meets on an as-need basis.

The Board currently has one opening for a member.


Joshua H. Bell

Stephan Bunker

Byron Davis

Aileen Kennedy

Steve Kaiser – Code/Planning Officer

Town Manager


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