
Taxicab Business

Taxicab Business

If you are interested in operating a taxicab business here in Farmington, please read the requirements per the State and our Town ordinance.  All applications will be processed through the police department and fees will be paid at the town office.  The Town of Farmington requires a taxicab business application to be filled out by the business owner and applications to drive a taxicab to be filled out by all drivers that are requesting permission to drive.  Each application must be filled out in its entirety.  The business owner is required to show copies of valid Maine driver’s license for each driver, current insurance certificate which includes all vehicles used as well as appropriate CSL insurance amount (see state of Maine requirements link for more information), current vehicle registration (must have for hire plates) and provide the business tax identification number.  The Town of Farmington charges $15.00 for a new business taxicab license and $5.00 for a renewal. Each vehicle used is charged a fee of $50.00.  Each application is approved for one year to be renewed no later than May 1st of the following year.  All fees are non-refundable.

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