
Advisories and Notices



**new office hours start january 1st**

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Tuesday 8:00 A.M - 6:00 P.M.

Friday: CLOSED


Beginning Monday, June 17th, KRT Appraisal, LLC will be verifying existing data on file with the Assessor's Office.  As such, one of the KRT Appraisal representatives will be asking for a walk-through of your property and to be allowed to measure all structures on the property over the next few months. 

Please feel free to contact the Assessor at  if you have any questions.

farmington rotary centennial crosswalk project

We invite community members, businesses, organizations and youth groupsWe invite community members, businesses, organizations and youth groupsto submit one or more designs to be painted on one of the many crosswalksbeing painted in downtown Farmington this April by volunteers - maybe even you!  Click here for more information.

Department of health and human services 

The Maine Health Alert Network (HAN) has provided the following Public Health Advisory information:


Click here  to see the current positions. 

Sba Economic injury disaster loan

For more information:  Click here to download the SBA EIDL flyerClick here for the SBA Fact Sheet.


The Town of Farmington is inviting any interested residents to volunteer their time to serve on the following Town Boards/Committees:

*Board of Appeals


*Planning Board

*Board of Assessment Review


*Recreation Committee

*Budget Committee


*Revolving Loan Fund

*Conservation Commission


*Zoning Board

This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute your thoughts, ideas, and input in general.  

Click here for an application.


town office online services

In keeping with the CDC and WHO’s recommendation to implement social distancing to help slow the spread of the virus, we want to share the following information.  Citizens have the following options to conduct municipal business:

Renew Your Vehicle Registration:  This can be done through a link on our website.  Go to and click on the Rapid Renewal link.  You will need your old registration, insurance card and mileage.

Re-register Your ATV, Boats and Hunting & Fishing Licenses:  This can be done on the State’s website at  and scroll down the page to “Information for Your Maine Outdoor Adventure” and there are links to buy your hunting and fishing license, register your ATV or Boat, etc.  You will need your old license and a printer.  The online boat registration link is .  If you have questions on re-registering online, please give us a call at 778-6539.

New Registration: Dealer Sale Can be Emailed

  • Blue Application for Title (MVT-2)
  • Invoice showing Sales Tax Paid
  • Insurance
  • Color of Vehicle

New Registration: Private Sale Mailed Only

  • Title or Blue Copy of Application for Title (from your lienholder)
  • Bill of Sale (Original)
  • Insurance (Can be emailed)
  • Color of Vehicle
  • Other

Pay Your Taxes and Sewer Bill:  Although we cannot accept payments online, we do accept credit and debit card payments by phone during regular business hours.  Please note that a convenience fee of 2.5% will be added to each transaction.  We accept checks for your payment mailed to Town of Farmington, 153 Farmington Falls Road, Farmington, ME 04938.   Documents and payments can be deposited in the secure drop box to the right of the main entrance of the Town Office.  If you need a receipt sent to you, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment or you may include your email address for an email receipt.  Please also include your phone number on your payment in case there are any questions.  We also recently sent out Declaration forms. 

Request an Absentee Ballot:  This can be done on the State’s website at: or  by calling us at 778-6539 or emailing the Town Clerk at to request an application.

Although we enjoy seeing our community members in the office, in light of the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 recommendations, please take advantage of the options above to help us reduce the spread of the virus.  As always, feel free to contact us at 778-6539 Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. or email Mavis Gensel- .  You can also go to our Administration page for further contact information.  

Thank you for your cooperation during this public health emergency.  We urge you to follow the CDC guidelines and stay well. 

Dog licenses

The State of Maine requires that dogs be licensed in the town of residence of the owner. Each dog six months of age or older must be licensed.

Dog licenses expire on December 31st of each year. An additional late fee of $25 will be imposed after January 31st of each year.

The cost at the City Clerk’s office is $6.00 for an altered dog, $11.00 for an unaltered one. To receive a license, dog owners must show a State of Maine rabies certificate, a spay or neuter certificate, and provide your dog’s veterinarian’s name and phone number (if this information isn’t already on file at the Clerk’s office).

To register your dog online, the following link will take you to the State's website: 

Bus Services

Western Maine Transportation Service (WMTS) has established a commuter bus route between Farmington and Lewiston-Auburn that runs Monday through Friday.  Click here to see the schedule and fare information.

WMTS also has public bus service running between Rangeley, Phillips, Strong, and Farmington every 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Click here for more information or call 800-393-9335. 


The Town of Farmington is now accepting credit and debit card payments in person at the Municipal Building during regular business hours.  Please note that a convenience fee of 2.5% will be added to each transaction.  We hope that you find this service convenient and useful in your future transactions with the Town of Farmington.

Maine's Unclaimed Property Program

Unclaimed Property consists of money and other personal assets that are considered lost or abandoned when an owner cannot be located after a specified period of time. Unclaimed Property does not include real estate, animals or vehicles.

You can search the Treasurer's Unclaimed Property List at

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