Wastewater/Sewer Homepage
The Town of Farmington is served by a public sewer system that includes 30 miles of sewer lines, 12 pump stations, and 400 manholes and is an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant located at 269 Farmington Falls Road in Farmington, Maine.
The sludge from the treatment plant is run through a belt filter press and is then loaded and truck to a compost facility. Treated wastewater is discharged to the Sandy River. The Treatment Plant employs three full-time people, including the superintendent and one part-time person.
The overall condition of the waste water system is strong and far exceeds current demand, allowing adequate capacity for growth. The age of the system, however, does require current and ongoing investment in infrastructure upgrades. The Treatment Plant is funded solely by users.
The Farmington Wastewater Treatment Facility is licensed be the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to discharge 900,000 gallons of treated wastewater per day.
The daily average discharged to the Sandy River is 300,000 gallons per day. Flows at the treatment plant vary throughout the year with seasonal changes in the whether and population. The facility is staffed with a crew of licensed and experienced veteran operators all of which have varying degrees of State Certification. Joseph Hartigan has a Grade III, and Superintendent, Stephen Millett, holds a Grade V, all of which are Biological Certifications.
Stephen Millett, Superintendant
Phone: (207) 778-4712
Mavis A. Gensel, Accounts Dept.
Phone: (207) 778-6539
Operators: Joseph Hartigan and Paul Stanzel
Phone: (207) 778-4712
Geographic Information Service (GIS)
The Town of Farmington's Geographic Information System (GIS) provides access to digital Tax Parcel data as well as other GIS data layers and ortho imagery. Click here to access the online link.